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Haru (2014)

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Haru (2014)Haru (2014)


Haru (2014) 관계


There’s a relationship no one should know about.
Psychiatrist Yeong-woong and his wife have been married for 10 years. They’ve lost interest and now neglect each other. Life is just a dull routine for them. Then one day, Haru, a child Soo-hyeon had when she was a student in Japan shows up in front of them hurt and exhausted from her boyfriend’s betrayal. Soo-hyeon asks Yeong-woong to treat her and as a psychiatrist, he does his job. However, as the sessions progress Yeong-woong feels more for Har.u than he should and starts thinking of a relationship beyond a doctor and a patient…

Kim Myeong-seo (김명서)
Ayaka Tomoda (友田彩也香), Jin Hye-kyeong (진혜경), Kim Kyeong-ik (김경익), Yoo Seon-yeong (유선영)
Release Date
09 Jan 2015
South Korea
IMDB Rating
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